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Crossing the Digital Edge - A Wix-tastic 2023 Roundup!!

The Digital Edge logo over layed with a ripped effect over the top.

In the rollercoaster ride that was 2023, Digital Edge kicked off the year with a bang ready to deliver more creativity and outstanding value. As the year unfolded, our journey was marked by exciting events, valuable insights, and strengthened connections.

Tanis holding his prize for winning employee of the month.

Wix took the spotlight as we explored its many capabilities, emphasising the value it brings to businesses. Our expertise in design sprints showcased the depth of our capabilities, with Tanis, our coding wizard, unravelling the wonders of Wix Blocks—a game-changer allowing the creation of versatile widgets for seamless integration into Wix websites.

A banner that says "inspire & collaborate"

Amongst our commitment to education and inspiration, Wix in 60 seconds became a platform to entertain, educate, and inspire. We unravelled the benefits of email marketing with Wix and championed the importance and advantages of website automations—a key to enhancing online efficiency.

Ian and Graham holding an NHS charity sign

Our involvement in Football Shirt Friday showcased our dedication to charitable causes, contributing to Cancer Research. We also supported the CDDFT NHS Charity by selling raffle tickets and collecting toys which would be given to children in our local hospitals over Christmas.

Wix ecommerce

Collaborating with the WIX E-commerce development team in Tel Aviv, we were the driving force towards the development of a groundbreaking e-commerce upgrade. In an additional collective effort, we revolutionised the digital landscape, unlocking the potential of landing pages and ensuring businesses thrive in the ever-evolving online arena.

We attended a number of award ceremonies and networking events including the UMI Northern Powerhouse Export awards in Middlesbrough and EMCON in Haughton-le-Spring.

Client satisfaction echoed in the many 5-star reviews we received, affirming our commitment to transforming countless websites and creating new ones that redefine digital presence. The addition of Alison as our new Marketing Manager also infused fresh energy and expertise into our already dynamic team.

The pinnacle of our year was etched against the iconic backdrop of Times Square, New York City, as we found ourselves gracing the Nasdaq Building—an honour that showcases our global impact.

Further revelations awaited in London at the Wix conference, where Adam, Graham, and Ian immersed themselves in the innovations of Wix Studio. Ian's second journey, as a specially invited guest to meet Wix founder Avishai Abrahami, added a personal touch to our global connections.

Positive meetings with industry leaders such as Simon Clayton, Neil O’Connor, and David Wilkinson highlighted our commitment to continuous development within Digital Edge. Welcoming both familiar faces and new acquaintances into our office for coffee and conversation became a hallmark of our open and friendly approach.

And let's not forget the wisdom of Wally! He shared insights that rivalled the most celebrated philosophers! His unspoken but deeply felt advice—grow where you're planted, stay sharp, and embrace your unique quirks—became our guiding principles.

Wally's silent but impactful presence reminds us that wisdom can come from the most unexpected places! Throughout the year, we've also been on a mission to share knowledge.

Our series of 5 Tips became a beacon of practical wisdom. From mastering the art of email marketing to writing engaging social media content, we dished out bite-sized nuggets of knowledge.

Within Digital Edge's dynamic 2023, our Website Templates were introduced. In an age where businesses often require swift and effective digital makeovers, from startups to established enterprises our templates provide an answer.

Our client family expanded as we welcomed numerous new partners and celebrated the return of past clients—a testament to the trust we've cultivated.

As we approach the close of 2023, we extend our thanks to each one of you who placed their trust in Digital Edge.

Your support has been the driving force behind our journey, and we look forward to new milestones and successes in the year ahead.

Thank you for being an integral part of our exciting 2023!

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